2008年7月2日 星期三

FireFox 3 addons 決定版

經過幾天(?)的調整,最後決定了FireFox3的addons,以下列表是用Extension List Dumper產生的。

裡面有些版本號怪怪的地方,請參考前一篇FireFox 3 addons的部份說明XD

Application: Firefox 3.0 (2008052906)

Operating System: WINNT (x86-msvc)

Total number of items: 29

  • Adblock Plus

    Ads were yesterday!

  • All-in-One Gestures 0.19.1

    This extension allows you to execute common commands using mouse gestures, rocker navigation, scroll wheel navigation and page scrolling.

  • bbs2chreader 0.5pre2

    2ch.net(Japanese Web Forums) Browser

  • Cache Status 0.7.3

    Easy cache status & management from status

  • CustomizeGoogle 0.72

    Enhance Google search results and remove ads and spam.

  • DOM Inspector 2.0.0

    Inspects the structure and properties of a window and its contents.

  • Download Statusbar

    View and manage downloads from a tidy statusbar

  • ErrorZilla Mod 0.31

    Implements a useful error page when a website cannot be reached.

  • Extension List Dumper 1.14.1

    Dumps a list of the installed extensions.

  • Firebug 1.2.0b4

    Web Development Evolved.

  • FlashGot

    Enables single and massive ("all" and "selection") downloads using the most popular external download managers for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and FreeBSD (dozens currently supported, see Extension's Home Page for details). FlashGot offers also a Build Gallery functionality which helps to synthetize full media galleries in one page from serial contents originally scattered on several pages, for easy and fast "download all".

  • Gmail Notifier

    A notifier for Gmail accounts.

  • Gmail Space 0.5.94

    Use your Gmail account space for file storage. Enables uploading/downloading of folders.

  • Google Notebook

    Allows notetaking while browsing

  • IE Tab 1.5.20080618

    Enables you to use the embedded IE engine within Mozilla/Firefox.

  • ImageBot 4.0.1

    An Image Uploader

  • Link And Forminfo 1.0.2

    Restore Link And Forminfo in the Pageinfo

  • Live HTTP headers 0.14

    View HTTP headers of a page and while browsing.

  • NoScript 1.7.4

    Extra protection for your Firefox: NoScript allows JavaScript, Java (and other plugins) only for trusted domains of your choice (e.g. your home-banking web site). This whitelist based pre-emptive blocking approach prevents exploitation of security vulnerabilities (known and even unknown!) with no loss of functionality... Experts will agree: Firefox is really safer with NoScript :-)

  • Password Exporter 1.1

    Export and import your saved passwords.

  • PDF Download

    Allows you to choose what to do with a PDF file: download it, view it with an external viewer or view it as HTML.

  • QuickRestart 1.1.2

    Adds a "Restart Firefox" item to the "File" menu.

  • Right Encoding 0.2.2a

    Adds the Character Encoding menu to the context menu.

  • ScrapBook

    Helps you to save Web pages and organize the collection.

  • StatusbarEx 0.2.17

    Display information on the statusbar, such as memory usage, network speed, web page modify time, and so on.

  • Super DragAndGo 0.2.6a

    Drag a link or anything like a uri (e.g. "abc.com" ), and throw it to anywhere blank on the webpage to open the it in a new tab.

  • Tab Mix Plus

    Tab browsing with an added boost.

  • TAGIRI Toolbar 1.6.1

    Toolbar for downloading videos.

  • Web Developer 1.1.6

    Adds a menu and a toolbar with various web developer tools.

因為是塞在Portable裡面用的,所以還特別把所有的xpi都抓下來,再到裡面去把locale砍到剩下en-US再安裝進去,雖然是這樣處理了,但是光是安裝完addons還有匯入NoScript的whitelist之後,整個FireFox Portable就71MB了XD。

